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This might be the last update to the website :(

Welcome to the 7Zeb Website! (Version 213)

Here's my YouTube Channel YouTube Channel, and here is the Windows Wiki Windows Wiki.

Want to see the updates that are going on here? Updates

Latest YouTube Video

Watch 7Zeb's Latest Video here. Full Channel

Subscriber count: 513 (+1 Since Last Update)

Videos I'm working on list.:

News in tech this month

China probes Google (February 3, 2025)

The RTX 5080 is just an RTX 5070 (February 3, 2025)

Samsung Galaxy S25 Edge might come out soon (February 6, 2025)

Time until next video!

7Zeb's next video will come out on February 7, 2025 at 4:00PM (CST)

Current OS Concepts

This is a list of all the OS Concepts that 7Zeb admits to publicly be working on

  1. Windows Frog Edition (this concept is finished, I just have to edit the video of it)

What's new!

Here is what's new in Version 213

  1. Version number updated (duh)
  2. New Video added to homepage

Minor Changes

  1. There are no minor changes.

How to make the website longer to read

Step 1: add useless headings.

Step 2: add useless paragraphs.

Step 3: give a stupid step-by-step guide on how to make the website longer to read.

37.gif (984 bytes)

7zebbutton (1).png Get Virtual!

Page last edited on: February 7, 2025

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