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History of 7Zeb

Written on: January 14, 2025

The start - 2020

I started my YouTube channel on June 1, 2020. When I made it, I didn't really want to make YouTube videos and I just made the account to leave comments on other videos. However after school started in August 2020, I started getting school projects, which had to be made using videos, so I decided an easier way of having them was to just upload them to YouTube, my first video was uploaded on October 4, 2020 and it was about a school project about Solutions and Mixtures. All the way until June 21, 2023 we had videos that we're just school projects. Finally on June 21, 2023 I uploaded a video saying that I was finally free and I would not upload any school-releated videos.

The gaming era (June - October 2023)

Starting on June 21, 2023 I started the gaming era, where I started uploading gaming content, the games I played we're just Minecraft and Roblox, but I did this even after I moved to Canada in July, and after school started in September. The gaming era ended around October 2023.

The early tech era (October 2023 - February 2024)

Ah yes, the early tech era, it started in October 2023 with the early Windows videos (don't watch them), anyways in November 2023, I really started making tech vidoes with some like "Using a Dell Recovery Disk to install Windows XP" or my first OS Concept I made on YouTube "Mars OS 1.0", in December 2023, I got a huge milestone, I got to 100 subscribers, my 100 subscriber special which I made a video called "Why Windows 10 ending support is bad for Windows 11". In 2024, I started the year with some good videos such as "Installing Windows 11 Zeb Edition but Everything Goes Wrong", and my first OS Build video, which is a huge series on my chnanel that I still do to this day.

The 2 months of content (March 2024 - May 2024)

This was really boring with only 2 months of content

The 7Zeb Boom (July 2024 - December 19, 2024)

The 7Zeb Boom was a time starting in July 2024 when I started uploading vidoes again. This is also the time when I started doing viewer requests, this ended after the Minor Upload Boom in November 2024 (it ended on December 1, 2024). December 19, 2024 was the last day of this era.

The Major Upload Boom (December 20, 2024 - January 6, 2025)

The Major Upload Boom was when I uploaded every day, this lasted about 2 and a half weeks, my channel was growing a lot during this time, and there was a bunch of new videos.

The downfall of 7Zeb (January 7, 2025 - January 24, 2025)

This is the time when my channel stopped growing and fell down to the lowest point in 9 months, it's gotten so bad that my view count for one day dropped down to only 53 views, currently my channel is still on this downfall, we are stuck at either 488, 489, or 490 subscribers, and this past week feels like forever, I don't know if we will ever ge out of this.

The Start of 2025 (January 24, 2025 - now)

The channel hit 500 Subscribers, and I have started working on video projects that you might want to see (for example: the Windows Vista Retrospective coming on January 30, or the Multibooting video which has been delayed).

Last Modified on: January 28, 2025

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